Al‑Anon Adult Children meetings provide a safe, supportive, understanding place for adults affected by the problem drinking of their parent, step-parent, guardian or childhood caretaker. If you feel this applies to you, you will be welcome at Al-Anon Adult Children meetings and at regular Al-Anon meetings. Al-Anon Adult Children is part of the Al-Anon Family Groups program, and Al-Anon Adult Children meetings are one of several types of Al-Anon meetings. Some meetings are specifically focused on Al-Anon Adult Children issues; some meetings have tables designated for discussion related to Al-Anon Adult Children concerns. The Al-Anon publication, “Did You Grow Up With A Problem Drinker?” (S-25) may help you decide if Al-Anon Adult Children might be of help to you. Local Al-Anon Adult Children meetings are included on our meetings page. Teenagers affected by someone else’s drinking are welcome in Alateen.
How Can Al-Anon Help Adult Children of Alcoholics?
Alcoholism is a family disease, and Al-Anon is for anyone whose life has been affected by someone else’s drinking. Those who have lived with this disease as children often have common problems and feelings which the Al-Anon program can help them with. Many who were affected by alcoholism as children find they also have other past or present relationships that have been affected by problem drinking as well. People who lived with alcoholism as children, as well as adults who are currently affected by the problem drinking of their parent, step-parent, or childhood guardian or caretaker, can find help in the Al-Anon program, and are welcome in any Al-Anon meeting.
Al-Anon is a program of recovery for anyone affected by another person’s drinking. The Al-Anon program provides support through meetings, fellowship, literature, and suggested actions that can be utilized by anyone affected in any way by another person’s alcoholism. Al-Anon Adult Children meetings, tables and literature are specifically focused on the concerns of people affected by the problem drinking of a parent, guardian or childhood caretaker, regardless of when the problem drinking began or whether the person is currently drinking or not.
The Al-Anon publication, “Did You Grow Up With A Problem Drinker?” (S-25) may help you decide if Al-Anon might be of help to you. “Did You Grow Up With A Problem Drinker? (S-25)
Reprinted with permission of ©Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.
Al-Anon Adult Children Literature
Al-Anon literature is inclusive of Al-Anon Adult Children, and many Al-Anon publications address the concerns of Al-Anon Adult Children as well as others who are affected by alcoholism. There are also Al-Anon publications written specifically for Al-Anon Adult Children. (Please see our literature page for suggestions on how to find Al-Anon literature.) Al-Anon publications for Al-Anon Adult Children include:
- From Survival to Recovery: Growing Up in an Alcoholic Home. (Book) Item number B-21. Al-Anon adult children stories.
- Hope for Today. (Book) Item number B-27. Al-Anon daily reader, based on sharings of Al-Anon’s adult children members. Large print edition available as item number B-28.
- Al-Anon Sharings from Adult Children. (Pamphlet) Item number P-47.
- Al-Anon Is for Adult Children of Alcoholics. (Pamphlet) Item number S-69.